1988-qiSoft Is Born!

While 1986 doesn’t seem like so long ago, when you consider it in the context of technological advancements it was like the dark ages. Computers were often room-sized for industrial uses and film was still the preferred form of data storage. So, when QiSOFT CEO, Kevin Luxton and his uncle, statistician Peter Daisley successfully collaborated to produce the specification for QIS, it was quite the discovery.

1988-qiSoft Is Born!

While 1986 doesn’t seem like so long ago, when you consider it in the context of technological advancements it was like the dark ages. Computers were often room-sized for industrial uses and film was still the preferred form of data storage. So, when QiSOFT CEO, Kevin Luxton and his uncle, statistician Peter Daisley successfully collaborated to produce the specification for QIS, it was quite the discovery.